Working & Studying

Student at part-time job in school.

Student at part-time job in school.

Asian American first-generation college students often work part-time to cover the financial gap not covered by grants and family contribution.

Advantages of working and studying:

  • Gaining valuable work experience
  • Networking with professionals
  • Developing skills in time management, communication, problem solving, etc.

Possible disadvantages of work-study:

  • Less time to study, socialize, relax, and participate in on-campus clubs results in less options of a healthy outlet. Stress may build up due to lower grades, fewer friends, and less campus involvement.
  • Fewer units taken per quarter may cause extended time in school to obtain a degree. More time in school accumulates more tuition and living expenses, ironically defeating the purpose of working part-time. Many AAPIFGCSs cannot afford this and end up dropping out.


Word Count: 125


Darolia, R. (2014). Working (and studying) day and night: Heterogeneous effects of working on the academic performance of full-time and part-time students. Economics Of Education Review, 3838-50. doi:10.1016/j.econedurev.2013.10.004

Nonis, S.A., & Hudson, G.I. (2006). Academic Performance of College Students: Influence of Time Spent Studying and Working. Journal Of Education For Business, 81(3), 151-159.